Note: The regular recording of the Session Minutes and various Registries into a Session Book may have begun at the commencement of the ministry of Rev. Cunningham in 1844. At that time, some effort was made to assemble various documents from prior years, but that effort did not yield much information. There seems to be a reference to a prior book in the introduction written by William Gray in existing Volume One. According to a fellow researcher, an account from an archivist at the Presbyterian Heritage Center in Montreat suggests it was lost in a fire, but the church has no evidence of that having taken place.
The greater part of the early Session Minutes dealt with the examination and admission of new members.
The following is taken from the first pages of Volume One.
Sessional Records
Paw Creek Church
Gentlemen of the Session of Paw Creek Church I have transcribed all the records into the new book devoted to that purpose. I have made some little Alterations but none to destroy the sense and spirit of the old one intended to be conveyed. I did so more for the purpose of uniformity and convenience. I hope my labours will give Satisfaction to the Session and believe me I feel honored by having been chosen to do this little Service for a body of People whoom I have ever held in high esteem.
May the peace of heaven be with you all.

Yours Respectfully William Gray
Couplet of Peace
Oh may the angel of peace wave his wing
On the children of men untill he shall bring
Them to see and believe and not trust in the wiles
That Satan lures Souls with enraptured in smiles.
William Gray
Song of Rejoicing
Oh strike the Silvery Strings again and let me hear the note
Breathe gently forth as a Song a bird might oer a new leaf float
Strike and I’ll listen to that Sound whatever the theme may be
But always when the harp is Struck I think of Calvary
Oh yes it is a theme Sublime worthy of harp or lyre
Something sublime enobling all calling up Zeal and fire
When our immanuel cover’d with blood his spirit forth had given
Up for a Sinfull world ten thousand harps were struck in heaven
Jesus accept our humble praise in this poor feeble song
Give freely to thy Servant lord, nor stay thy blessing long
Oh hear our praises for they are indeed, but freely given
Trusting thy Spirit intercedes and wafts them on to heaven
Composed by William Gray
Brief historical sketch of the congregation and church of Paw Creek from its first organization.
The people of Paw Creek were first collect together as a congregation and organized as a church by the Rev. Samuel C. Caldwell late pastor of Sugar Creek church. Paw Creek continued to enjoy a part of the labours of Rev. Caldwell until the year 1819.
In the year 1819 Paw Creek united with the congregation of Hopewell in a call for the Rev. John Williamson and obtained one fourth part of his ministerial labours.
Paw Creek is still under the pastoral care of Rev. Williamson and has now January 1839, the following person as Ruling Elders viz Joseph Hudson, James Todd, William Flinn, William Jamison, William H. McLeary, Thomas T. Johnston, Silus Todd & Hugh M. Henderson.
The whole number of persons Baptized by the present pastor since 1819 is about Four Hundred, the number admited to the communion in the same time is about two hundred.
The present number of members in full communion is estimated at one hundred. For a more particular and detailed accout of the Batisms Admissions Suspensions Excommunications etc see the Statistics and papers in the hands of the pastor and of Thomas T. Johnston the Stated Clerk of Session.
The people of Paw Creek still continued to enjoy the one third part of the ministerial labours of the Rev. John Williamson on to the 11th day of Sept 1842 when he was removed by Death to that Rest which remain for the people of God,
From that time to April 1843 we remained a vacant congregation but is now (July 1843) in the enjoyment of the one half of the ministerial labours of the Rev. H. B. Cunningham.
In Presbytery in Concord town apr 5 1844 this far examined & approved
Original Source:
Paw Creek Presbyterian Church Session Minutes & Registry
Raleigh, N.C. : Division of Archives and History, Archives & Records Section, 1992.
Description: 6 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
Contents: Reel 1. R.065.08086. Session minutes & register, 1843-1919 -- 2. R.065.08087. Session minutes & register, 1919-1968 -- 3. R.065.08088. Session minutes & register, 1969-1982 -- 4. R.065.08089. Session minutes & register, 1983-1991 ; original deeds -- 5. R.065.08090. Church membership/register, 1920-1960 ; treasurer's records, 1832-1869 -- 6. R.065.08091.Deacon minutes, 1956-1987 ; congregational minutes, 1956-1991.
NCR 285.17567 FILM